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Christmas Cantata

Christmas is a time to celebrate and spread good cheers. Whenever Christmas is approaching, many people around the world decorated Christmas trees and spark Christmas moods with songs, carols, gifts, etc. and as a college, we usher in the season every year with an annual spectacular Christmas production dubbed “The Smacon Christmas Cantata” based on a given theme, to celebrate the achievements thanking God for his goodness and Mercy throughout the year. 
Word Cantata means poem, story, or play set to music to be sung by a chorus and soloists (Etymology). From Italian cantata “music for a chorus,” from Latin cantata (same meaning), derived from the Italian word cantare “to sing” — The early cantatas after Alessandro Grandi were written by Italian composers, most in secular style (cantata da camera, “chamber cantata”), but some in sacred manner (cantata da chiesa, “church cantata”) and all these in the vernacular language, Italian.
The Smacon Cantata is a perfect Christmas holiday event for family, friends, and relatives because it combines high-energy Classical and contemporary music, creative dances, and drama on a theme performed by our own students telling the nativity story of Jesus Christ’s birth, which has become a tradition in St. mark’s College Namagoma for more than 5 years now.
Every year in the last week of November, thousands of people eg. Students, Parents, Old students and friends of Smacon from different schools in Kampala and beyond attend the Christmas show, with many arriving hours before to catch the front seats.
 *When And Where Is The Show* 
The Smacon Cantoris Christmas Cantatas have been always staged in school in the last week of November, both physical and Online. the Online shows are always on air via the Smacon arps, Facebook and YouTube official platforms (Always communicated on Smacon on the Smacon media platforms). The Smacon Cantoris Christmas Cantata is also aired on different local TV stations as confirmed in the subsequent days before the the epic show.
 *Why Smacon Cantoris Christmas Cantata* 
Classical is a genre of music which has stood the test of time in shaping and sharpening the mind of people to become Critical thinkers, Good listeners, Skillful, while inspiring and teaching our students to appreciate excellence and distinction which defines it. 
As a college, our aims is to provide a balanced education curriculum to students so that they can be adaptable to the ever-changing domestic and global environment as emphasized in the new competence based curriculum by the ministry of education and Our vision is to be a leading academic institution in Uganda and in the East and Central African region producing highly skilled, successful and respected people in the different aspects of life.