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Winners do not do different things they do things differently

A letter from a Mother’s Heart                16th September 2019

Winners do not do different things they do things differently.

Dear High Achievers

There are moments when you read a quote which you have always read but hardly deduced deeper meaning and yet this time round it speaks volumes to you. This is happened to me recently when I read Albert Einstein’s quote that states “You cannot keep doing the same thing, the same way and expect different results.”

I took a moment to scan my environment and establish how many things I have desired to see change and yet nothing much seems to respond to my heartfelt yearnings. It struck me then that I have been doing the same thing, the same way, yet lo and behold my expectations are to realize diverse results. My moment of truth of this known fact was my breakthrough.

Bringing this experience home, this is our third term and it being a promotional term we are praying hard to make it to the next level. For the candidates it is to pass with flying colors. There is no doubt we wish you the best in your endeavors. Nevertheless I would like to ask you, what are you planning to do differently that will make way for the success you deeply crave for?  Remember, you cannot keep doing the same thing, the same way and get different results. For our academic results to change we ought to do something differently.  Winners do not do different things they do things differently.

At this point I implore you to write down what you have been doing and then write what you are going to do differently. Avoid procrastination. Take note of the new actions, develop them into good habits and follow through consistently. The mother of great performance is consistency. I bet you, you will not remain same and surely you will ride on the success tide.

Aristotle one of the Greek philosophers stated that “Excellence is never an accident. It is always a result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Choice not chance determines your destiny.”  In other words the choice of your actions will determine the level of success. Doing things differently leads to something exceptional.

I wish you a great week and God’s blessingsQuote of the week:

We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are: Max Depree

Alice Ddamulira

Director – St Mark’s College Namagoma